Definition of Exercise
- Any physical activity is an exercise- a physical exercise
- All physical exercises can be classified as:
- Structured exercises
- Non-structured exercises - Structured exercises: aerobics, jogging, weight lifting and such similar exercises you can do in a gymnasium etc
- Non-structured exercises: walking, gardening, cycling etc
- Exercises help the lungs to expand fully and to take in oxygen more efficiently resulting in better oxygenation of blood.
- Due to exercises, heart becomes stronger. Without harder efforts, it can pump more blood per heart beat and fulfill body’s oxygen demand easily.
- Due to exercises, blood vessels open up allowing easy blood flow. Also exercises make the blood thinner preventing blood clots.
- By exercising, the muscles start using the oxygen more efficiently and they can do more work with less requirement of oxygen.
- Exercises condition the body such that it can live longer.
- Increased life span
- Feeling strong and fit all the time
- Sound sleep
- Improved posture
- Improved, smart looks
- Better digesting power
- Faster recovery from any illness
- Relaxation and relaxed feeling
- Stronger bones (less prone to osteoporosis)
- Control over weight
- Control over cholesterol
- Control over blood sugar
- Less blood pressure
- Lower risk of heart related diseases
- Lower risk of diabetes
- Becoming breathless in walking a little longer or climbing the steps of a staircase marginally more or carrying a bit of extra weight.
- Excess body weight than required for your height.
- Feeling generally tired.
- Protruded belly.
- More fat around many body parts.
Excuses Given by Those Who Do Not Exercise Despite the Warning (They Are All Wrong)
- Lack of time (does not take more than just about 15 to 20 minutes a day)
- Old age (one can exercise at any age)
- Boredom in doing exercises (you can make it less boring and more interesting by your own creativity)
- I am already doing physical activities in doing my work and so what’s the need for exercises? (exercise means doing it continuously without break for sufficient time)
- Strain during exercise (may be you are doing exercises incorrectly causing you strain; learn to do it the right way)
- Inadequate exercises (some people do them inadequately and are satisfied with it; that is wrong)
- Not being an athlete or sportsman (It’s a myth that only they require the exercises, you require them too)
- It’s costly (doing exercises is literally a zero cost affair, choose the in-expensive types; don’t have to necessarily join a gym or a club)
- I did them all these days, I am in good shape now (you need to exercise regularly throughout your life)
- Hazardous (done appropriately, exercises don’t pose any threats except for the seriously sick people who should take doctor’s advice on exercises)
- I exercised for few days but no positive impact (you have to be a bit patient)
- First of all exercises don’t have to be vigorous, they should not tire you.
- It’s a myth that you must sweat after exercising.
- You can do combination of:
- Aerobics (exercises that will take your heartbeats to a particular level as determined by a formula that is related to your age and maintain the heartbeats at that level for say, 11 to 12 minutes. It is called target heart rate. The formula is given separately towards the end of this page)
- Stretching exercises
- Weight lifting
- Yoga
- Make it your daily habit. Do not take a meal if you don’t exercise.
- Keep at least 15 to 20 minutes aside for exercises daily.
- Choose the exercises that interest you. Then you look forward to doing them.
- Exercises should not be strenuous; don’t overdo.
- In case you feel discomfort or tiredness while exercising, stop for a while, relax and then re-start.
- Find opportunities to do exercises. Example: at times walk instead of driving, climb the steps instead of using an elevator, get down from the bus a stop earlier and then walk up to your destination, lift the luggage or grocery bags at times etc.
- Allow a warm up period of 3 to 5 minutes before starting your chosen exercises to loosen your muscles and ligaments preventing injuries. Same way, allow 3 to 5 minutes cool down period after completing your exercises to prevent faint or light-headedness.
- Try to stick to schedule and venue.
- Do not exercise immediately after taking any food.
- Do not exercise in extreme environment.
- If you missed out your daily exercises on daily basis, don’t try to clear the backlog on just one day over the weekend. Rather, stick to daily exercises.
- Dress in loosely fitting clothes. Preferably, wear shoes.
- Drink plenty of fluids, particularly water to avoid dehydration.
Target heart rate = (220-your age) multiplied by 0.6 for beginners, 0.7 for somewhat practiced and 0.8 for the habitual ones.
Example: for a person with 30 years age:
Target heart rate = (220-30) multiplied by 0.6 = 114 for beginner.
Target heart rate = (220-30) multiplied by 0.7 = 133 for somewhat practiced person.
Target heart rate = (220-30) multiplied by 0.8 = 152 for the habitual one.
Never try to achieve these prescribed target heart rates in aerobics on the very first day of the exercises. Do it gradually over a period of say around 8 to 10 weeks.
The Book: "Health Essentials (Health Is Wealth)"
(You can obtain your e-copy of the book from the Nuubuu link and the printed book from Amazon)
The famous saying “Health is Wealth” is not a cliché. Having good health is more valuable than having material wealth since you can’t enjoy the wealth without health. The fact is health itself is an important kind of wealth. Even if you do not possess much money or assets you can still be far happier being in great shape physically, emotionally and mentally if you possess the most important asset called “health”.
That’s the reason for bringing forth this book to benefit everyone and to remind about the things you can do to keep healthy throughout your life, not feel miserable and stay capable of creating and enjoying this wealth as well as other types of wealth.
The suggestions the authors have made in this book for keeping healthy are very simple, quite practical, most economical and easily understandable. The entire book has been written in a layman’s language keeping out all the difficult to understand jargons.
This book is based on collective native wisdom derived from close observations of the persons who lived happily and healthily till age 90 to 100 plus years. It should not be treated as a medical or professional prescription from a doctor or a nutrition expert or a physical trainer or any other professional health practitioner.
Authors (Shyam Bhatawdekar and Dr Kalpana Bhatawdekar) are top-notch business executives, successful entrepreneurs, highly sought after business and management consultants, eminent management gurus and scholars, authentic human behavior experts and prolific authors.
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